Alveoplasty for a Fixed-Hybrid Denture

For patients who choose implant supported dentures to replace missing teeth, your Dr. May recommend a procedure called lve plasty to create the best conditions for the success of your implants and denture placement. When one or more teeth are lost or missing in the mouth, the surface of the jaw bone left behind is often uneven. Lve plasty, also called bone reduction or bone leveling, will smooth and reshape the surface of the bone, so your implants are at the same level making for a well-aligned denture foundation. Bone reduction helps hide the line between your natural gum tissue and the pink denture material. When smiling, it creates space for the denture components and for cleaning between the denture and natural gums. To start, your doctor will expose the area and use instruments to reshape and smoothen the bone to reduce ridges and create a level surface. Next, the area will be thoroughly cleaned and sutures will be placed at subsequent visits. Your doctor will monitor the healing process, letting you know when the area is ready for the next phase of treatment. Once the area is fully healed, the bone surface will be smooth and even creating the best environment for your doctor to place your implants and design a well-fitting and attractive venture.