When a tooth structure has been compromised by decay below the edge of the gum line, your Dr. May need to expose the affected area that's underneath the gum to repair and prepare it for restoration. In these situations, your Dr. May recommend a procedure called crown lengthening in which the surrounding tissue is altered to expose the diseased area. Crown lengthening involves modifying the surrounding bone and tissue, exposing more tooth structure, and effectively lengthening the tooth. The procedure exposes the diseased area and allows better access for your doctor to repair and prepare it for a restoration like a filling, crown or veneer. Once the surface area of the whole tooth is prepared to remove the decay, your doctor will ensure the natural seal between the tooth's root surface bone and tissue is preserved and will match the dimensions for a biologic or natural shaped gumline. In doing so, this prevents potential bone loss, chronic gingivitis, or pain, in addition to making the gumline aesthetically pleasing. Next, the area is sutured and allowed to heal. Your doctor will let you know when the area is fully recovered as needed, your doctor can provide you with a temporary restoration while healing. Once you have completely healed, your doctor will work with you to design and place your final restoration, returning your teeth to optimal health function and appearance.