After your root canal procedure is completed, it is important to follow these care instructions to ensure proper healing of your tooth immediately after your procedure. It is important to avoid eating or drinking until the anesthesia has worn off to prevent possible injury to your lips, tongue, and cheeks. To ease discomfort, your Dr. May recommend an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or a prescribed medication to help if antibiotics are prescribed. Be sure to take them for the indicated amount of time, even if symptoms and signs of infection are no longer present. If a temporary crown was placed, avoid chewing for at least 30 minutes to allow it to set in place. To keep it in place, you should avoid eating hard, crunchy, chewy, or sticky foods. It is common for a small portion of the temporary crown to wear away or break off. However, if the entire crown wears or falls off, it's important to contact your doctor. It's normal to experience temporary tenderness following your root canal procedure. Avoid chewing on the treated tooth in the short term. You can rinse with warm salt water three times per day to help reduce pain and swelling of the area. When complete, your restored tooth may be shaped slightly different. Your tongue may magnify these slight differences, but you'll become accustomed to them within a few days. You should resume regular brushing and flossing immediately to keep the restored tooth free of plaque buildup and decay. However, if a temporary crown was placed, avoid flossing around it as it may cause it to become loose or fall off. If you have visible swelling inside or outside the mouth, persistent pain or sensitivity outside the norm, a return of the original symptoms, or an uneven bite, it is important to contact your doctor's office for assistance.

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