An individual who develops more than twenty primary teeth or thirty-two permanent teeth has a condition known as hyper donia. The additional tooth or teeth that develop are referred to as supernumerary teeth. Hyper donia affects a small portion of the population, and most of those cases are limited to a single tooth. A family history of supernumerary teeth as well as certain conditions like Gardner syndrome can increase the likelihood of hyper donia. Usually, supernumerary teeth will be discovered by your dentist during your exam or by reviewing routine X-rays. If a supernumerary tooth is left untreated, it can result in the development of cysts, tooth crowding, delayed tooth eruption, resorption of teeth, or rotation of adjacent teeth. Because there are multiple medical conditions associated with supernumerary teeth, it is important to be evaluated by your doctor to develop a plan of care that makes the most sense for your unique situation.