Sleep Appliance
Sleep Appliance - How a mandibular advancement device, or sleep appliance, is used in the treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
Seattle Protocol
Seattle Protocol - How the Seattle Protocol is used to customize a plan for improved breathing and related dental problems.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Obstructive sleep apnea and the serious and dangerous complications to your overall health that can result if it is left untreated.
Pediatric Restricted Airway
Pediatric Restricted Airway - Why proper breathing is necessary for a child’s health and development.
Nasal Breathing Therapy
Nasal Breathing Therapy - How chronic mouth breathers can learn how to breathe through their nose.
Adult Restricted Airway
Adult Restricted Airway - Why proper breathing is necessary for an adult’s health and well-being.
Mouth Breathing
Mouth Breathing - How mouth breathing while asleep can lead to serious oral and overall health issues.
Inspiratory Flow Limited Breathing
Inspiratory Flow Limited Breathing - How inspiratory flow limitation occurs during sleep when airflow is restricted by the tongue and soft palate narrowing the airway and limiting the rate of air to pass
Pediatric Myofunctional Therapy
Pediatric Myofunctional Therapy - How myofunctional therapy is used to treat tongue thrust, lisp, tongue tie, snoring, sleep apnea, swallowing, chewing, open bite, mouth breathing and other issues.
Pediatric Palatal Expander
Pediatric Palatal Expander - How a palatal expander is used in children to treat speech problems, breathing issues and crowding of teeth.
Adult Myofunctional Therapy
Adult Myofunctional Therapy - How myofunctional therapy for adults helps to treat mouth breathing, snoring, sleep apnea, swallowing, chewing, sleep-disordered breathing, and other issues.
Options for Mandibular Expansion
Options for Mandibular Expansion - Different procedures that can expand the width of the lower arch or mandible.
TMD Condylar Degeneration
TMD Condylar Degeneration - What happens when the condyle bone breaks down.
Post-Op Care for Maxillary Expansion
Post-Op Care for Maxillary Expansion - At-home care procedures after a maxillary expander with mini-screws is placed along the mid-palatal suture to widen the upper jaw.
Orthognathic Surgery
Orthognathic Surgery - How orthognathic surgery can correct deformities of the jaw and associated malocclusion.
Maxillary Expansion
Maxillary Expansion - How a narrow upper arch can be expanded in adult patients.
Lingual Frenectomy
Lingual Frenectomy- How tongue-tied in children is treated surgically and with the use of a laser.